A number of different activities were ran in Balbriggan CC as part of science week from 10th – 17th November. Activities included trips to Technological University Dublin, Cool Plant Experience, a CSI investigation taking place in the school, fun facts each day and a poster competition.
On Monday 11th, 50 senior student attended a talk in TUD on ‘The Genetics Revolution’, a very informative talk that was both interesting and related to the leaving cert course. We even had some volunteers up on stage.
On Wednesday 50 3rd year students attended a talk in TUD on ‘The Rappers Guide to the solar system’. There they had a very intriguing talk from Jon Chase about the solar system which included lots of fun facts and raps to help them remember lots of facts about the solar system.
On Thursday our 2nd year students had the opportunity to go to The Cool Planet Experience in Enniskerry. This was a tour and a workshop all based around climate change. They got a chance to get their carbon footprint, explore the effects climate change is having and come up with ways to improve their carbon footprint. They then went to a workshop where they got to build a cell fuelled car. This was an excellent trip and enjoyed by all, we came away with many climate changers.
Also on Thursday our first year students got to do a CSI Investigation workshop in school, where they solved murders using forensic skills.
Throughout the week we had fun facts everyday based on climate change and we ran a climate change poster competition. Thanks to all who entered, our winner for the poster competition was Abby Mc Curdy in 1st year.