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Blog 4 Columns

Balbriggan CC Senior Trip to Awesome Walls

As part of the LCA Leisure and Recreation module, both LCA classes participated in a 5 week climbing wall programme in school...

Balbriggan CC Green Schools

On Monday 22nd October, four TY students got the opportunity to attend a green school workshop on the topic of water. The...

Balbriggan CC 1st Year Attendance Awards

A big congratulations to our first year students who received attendance awards before mid term break. Well done to all. Looking forward to another successful...

Balbriggan CC Open Evening 2018

What a fantastic atmosphere around our school at our Open Evening this evening. It was great to see so many 5th &...

Balbriggan CC Presentation “How Best to Support your Maths Student”

A free presentation will take place in our school this Tuesday 18th September from 7pm. Brendan Guildea & Carol Guildea will provide...

Balbriggan CC Basketball

Basketball is becoming a very popular and successful sport in Balbriggan Community College. This year we had four teams competing in the schools’...

Balbriggan CC TY Graduation 2018

TY graduation was held on Wednesday 23rd of May. After a very successful year 35 students received a number of certificates including:...
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