Congratulations to all the students and staff who have worked hard all year and achieved Balbriggan Community College’s first Amber Flag. The Pieta Amber Flag Initiative has recognised the efforts of our Amber Flag Committee in Balbriggan Community College. The committee has worked hard to implement many initiatives aimed at creating a healthy, inclusive environment that supports the mental well-being of staff and students at our school. These initiatives have included a Mental Health Awareness Week, Stand Up Awareness Week, Festive Fashion Fundraiser for Pieta House, Smiley Pancake Tuesday fundraiser for Mental Health Ireland and an Autism Appreciation Week. The committee’s efforts have helped contribute to a happier, healthier school community and they continue to work towards eradicating the stigmas associated with mental health issues. If any students are interested in joining the committee for the academic year 2022/23, please contact Ms. Bolger.