Mock Exams:
Tuesday 31/01/2023 to Thursday 09/02/2023 (inclusive).
Registration every morning for all students at 8:55am (as normal).
Study is provided every morning in the Exam Hall; all students must be present.
Lunch time as normal from 1:08pm to 1:38pm.
If your child has an exam in the afternoon, they do not have permission to leave the school premises.
If your child does not have an exam in the afternoon, they have two options: 1) Leave the school at lunchtime and go home or 2) Stay and study for the duration of the afternoon exam in the Exam Hall.
If your child only has an exam in the afternoon, they must be present on the school premises no later than 1:30pm, if not present availing of study during the morning exam time.
Friday 10/02/2023 – LC students are not in school on this day.