Chuir na daltaí sa 4ú bhliain i gColáiste Phobail Baile Brigín Díolachán Cáca ar siúl sa scoil le déanaí Bhí siad ag iarraidh airgead a bhailiú chun ciste na Gaeltachta....
All third years attended an informative event, designed to expand students knowledge about careers in Technology and Engineering. The two presenters, Denise Farrelly and Katharina Callaghan, who work with Google,...
Ghlac na daltaí sa chéad agus sa dara bhliain páirt i dTráth na gCeist mór chun Seachtain na Gaeilge 2016 a cheilliúradh. An iomaíocht a bhí ann idir na foirne...
Some pictures from our “Proclamation Day” at Balbriggan Community College. Each student was given a copy of the Proclamation and a brief guide to the events around April 24th 1916,...
Balbriggan Community College is again amongst the elite schools in the Fingal area after finding itself in the recent Irish Independent 2015 Feeder Schools table as one of the top...
Please note that as previously advised, there will be no school for students on Tuesday 1st December 2015 due to staff Inservice on the New Junior Cycle. For more information...
Students and Teachers of BCC dressed up to celebrate a Halloween themed non-uniform day Friday 23rd October. Prizes were awarded for best costume in every class and best overall. Money...
Balbriggan Community College recently hosted a Shave, Dye and Oh My event in the school on the Friday before they broke forthe Easter holidays. Although fundraising money is still coming...
Please vote for our school’s entry in Junk Kouture, just click on the link below, go to E and like ‘Emerald City Queen’ You can vote once...