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Blog 3 Columns With Frame

Balbriggan CC Wellness Week

We would like to thank all the staff and students who took part in wellbeing week and made it such a success! Some of the activities included random acts of...

Balbriggan CC Wellness Walk

With ‘Darkness into Light’ around the corner we decided to undertake our own early morning walk. In the spirit of wellbeing week, staff and students met at 7.30am and walked...

Balbriggan CC Wellness Week Healthy Eating

During our Wellbeing Week Ms. Toner’s 1st year Home Economics class compared healthy and unhealthy drinks and showcased their information during lunchtime. They provided students with healthy smoothies at lunchtime,...

Balbriggan CC Wellness Week

Wellbeing Week ran from Tues 8th-Friday 11th May in Balbriggan CC. As part of this students participated in various physical activities, something which is a key element to everyone’s overall...

Balbriggan CC Roseate Tern Nestbook Project

Balbriggan Community College students have built and provided nestboxes for the Roseate Tern on Rockabill since 1993. This year is our 25th anniversary of supporting the internationally important conservation scheme. Balbriggan...

Balbriggan CC Seachtain na Gaeilge 2018

Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghabh ar na daoine a ghlac pairt i Seachtain na Gaeilge. Ghlac na daltaí páirt i BINGO, Céilí, Puc fada, comórtas postaer, tráth na gceist...

Balbriggan CC Athletics

It was another great day for Balbriggan Community College students at the North Leinster Athletic championships in Santry yesterday. First up was Jake Morrell, who on his first attempt at...

Balbriggan CC TY School Play – 16th & 17th May

Our school play this year (Balbriggan The Musical) has been written with the help of Mr. Curran and students Jack Kevitt and Cian Mooney. The students are very excited to...
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