Wednesday Night (22nd March) will see the first performance of Balbriggan Community College’s Transition Year drama production. As the first ever Transition Year at BCC the group have chose a stage and screen classic...
Members of Oldtown Trailbreakers returned last week to our new Sports Hall. Another group of past pupils enjoyed our new climbing wall, including some of the next generation.
A big thank you to Balbriggan Community College TY students for their hardwork this morning. TY students are looking forward to working with Tidy Towns again in the near future.
It was vegetarian cookery this week in Miss Purcells 1st Year Home Economics class. Congratulations to Alex for making a delicious Vegetarian Chilli by the ‘Happy Pear’. His culinary skills...
Well done to all the 1st year students who participated in the Parkside Schools cross country relay event in Cabra on Wednesday 8th March. The sun shone on all the athletes...
Miss Purcell’s 1st Year Home Ec Students were busy cooking up a Mexican theme Chilli Con Carne today. Wai Ho was awarded Chef of the Week for his great...