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Ghlac na daltaí sa chéad agus sa dara bhliain páirt i dTráth na gCeist mór chun Seachtain na Gaeilge 2016 a cheilliúradh. An iomaíocht a bhí ann idir na foirne agus bhain gach duine an chraic as an ócáid. Bhí duaiseanna ar fáil agus buíoch le Ms Dunne bhí paicéid Tayto as Gaeilge do gach dalta...
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Some pictures from our “Proclamation Day” at Balbriggan Community College. Each student was given a copy of the Proclamation and a brief guide to the events around April 24th 1916, the proclamation itself and the history around the tricolour. Every student found the day fascinating, with many commenting on how they were really struck by the...
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Balbriggan Community College is again amongst the elite schools in the Fingal area after finding itself in the recent Irish Independent 2015 Feeder Schools table as one of the top schools in North County Dublin for providing a platform for its students to attend 3rd level institutes. An impressive 85% of students from last year’s class...
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Please note that as previously advised, there will be no school for students on Tuesday 1st December 2015 due to staff Inservice on the New Junior Cycle. For more information on the new Junior Cycle see What will the new junior cycle do? The new junior cycle will allow schools to develop a high quality...
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Students and Teachers of BCC dressed up to celebrate a Halloween themed non-uniform day Friday 23rd October. Prizes were awarded for best costume in every class and best overall. Money raised will go into a fund to help subsidise the cost of attending the Gaeltacht in 2016. Beannachtaí an féile do gach!
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