Balbriggan Community College will play host to it’s first ever Christmas fun run/walk on Friday 9th December at 10 am. The event is being organised by the schools transition year students as part of their enterprise task. Sponsorship cards have been given out to all students , in the hopes of raising as much funds...Read More
Míle buíochas do gach duine idir daltaí agus múinteoirí a ghlacadh páirt sa lá gléasta suas. Bhí an spraoi againn agus bhailíomar tuairim is €450 ar son an chiste Gaeltachta. Beir Bua. Read More
Well done to Cian McGrane ( 5th Year) who recently raised €550 by organising a non uniform day in aid of Zamda. ‘In October I will be travelling to Zambia with my Judo Club to a home for orphaned and abandoned children in Kabwe, called Sables Nua. This centre is run by the Irish-Zambian Aid project...Read More
Chuir na daltaí sa 4ú bhliain i gColáiste Phobail Baile Brigín Díolachán Cáca ar siúl sa scoil le déanaí Bhí siad ag iarraidh airgead a bhailiú chun ciste na Gaeltachta. Beidh an t-airgead ag dul chuig cóstas turas chuig an nGaeltacht i mbliana. Fuarathas a lán tacaíocht ó dhaltaí, múinteoirí, tuismitheoirí agus Comhairle na dtuismitheoirí...Read More
Balbriggan Community College recently hosted a Shave, Dye and Oh My event in the school on the Friday before they broke forthe Easter holidays. Although fundraising money is still coming in the students have so far raised over €800 for the Irish Cancer Society. The idea was an initiativeundertaken by the Elm 4th year group....Read More
Balbriggan Community College Parents Association Exciting Fundraiser BOKWA !!!! Join Vikki(a past pupil) in Balbriggan Combined Clubs for an afternoon of fun and fitness and help to raise funds for Balbriggan Community College. Suitable for all levels even beginners. We want to see Parents ,Students and maybe even some staff join us for...Read More